Saturday, September 24, 2011

Laundry Dryer from old Wood Ice Box Shelf

So a good friend of mine was moving and I was helping her.  I saw this wooden rack "thingie" and asked what it was.  She said an old ice box fridge shelf and told me to take it.  I love old stuff like this!  I wish I had taken a before picture thought cuz it was pretty dirty and needed some repair.  I am so bad about before pics.  Going to have to improve on that!  Anyway, I cleaned it up and painted it.  I thought about fixing the broken rungs...but decided I liked the charm of it.  In other words- didn't want to take that much time!  So i added ribbon and magnets and plumbing pipe holder things ( I usually don't know the real terms- the folks at Home Depot just love me! LOL)

Here you see the finished project in the laundry room.  I have used it several times.  Really do love it as you can lay stuff on it and hang hangers on it for your good clothes to dry.

When not in use- it lays flat against the wall with the help of magnets.

Summer Patio Project

This is actually one from 2 summers ago and my husband helped me with this one.  My husband- Bless his heart- is not a fix it kind of guy, so anytime he helps me and we can complete a project together - it's rare and special!  This area is between the deck and the pool and I had tried to do something with it at various times.  It was very overgrown and needed attention!
I started by pulling weeds and digging up transplantable flowers.  I also had to pull up lots of old plastic weed barrier- that really didn't work so well.  Maybe your weed barrier works great... personally I find it works a couple of years and then it's like it was never there.  Needless to say - I did not put it back down. 

Then we bought "stones".  This was the expensive part!  But we laid them over a period of a couple of days.  When it is hot, I work slowly!

We also had this old firepit.  It too was in the middle of overgrown weeds and stuff.  When the kids were younger, we used it quite a bit.  We decided to move it and make it part of the patio - thinking we would use it again. 

We added stone around the firepit.  We hadn't planned on spending that money but decided it looked better so we did.  It really only cost like 20 bucks so we think it was worth it. 

  Next we added river gravel rock and redid some of the flower beds.

And there you have it!  We loved and still love the results. 

One of the Many Projects- Small sewing table!

So this is one of the many, many projects I have done.  This is actually a sewing machine cabinet that had been cut down to serve as a side table.  I bought it at an auction for $1.00 several years ago and my daughter used it in college apartments for several years.  As you can see in the "Before" picture, the top was in bad shape after some years of abuse.

I was going to get rid of it but needed a side table for the spare bedroom and thought- "what have I got to lose?" 
So I sanded it, painted it dark brown and used  an old lace curtain to spray paint a lace pattern on top. I was happy enough with the results for the spare room. 
The best part was- I already had the paint and the lace curtain.  SO basically a "new" table for free!  As my husband likes to say when something has been well worth the money- "That table doesn't owe you a dime!"  :)

First and foremost!

My Crazy World of Ideas is just a place for me to keep all these crazy ideas and projects that I have done and have going on and are in my head!  Sometimes it seems to get overwhelming so I thought I would try to organize them in some way!   I love redoing stuff, making stuff- all sorts of stuff.  I love auctions and getting that great buy- especially if it's something I can get for a buck or two and redo into something useful or that I love.  I love simple and cheap decorating.  I love helping people with their own ideas.  I love scrapbooking.  I love easy house projects.  I love power tools.  All women should own some power tools.  They are so much fun!  AND so empowering!