Saturday, September 24, 2011

Laundry Dryer from old Wood Ice Box Shelf

So a good friend of mine was moving and I was helping her.  I saw this wooden rack "thingie" and asked what it was.  She said an old ice box fridge shelf and told me to take it.  I love old stuff like this!  I wish I had taken a before picture thought cuz it was pretty dirty and needed some repair.  I am so bad about before pics.  Going to have to improve on that!  Anyway, I cleaned it up and painted it.  I thought about fixing the broken rungs...but decided I liked the charm of it.  In other words- didn't want to take that much time!  So i added ribbon and magnets and plumbing pipe holder things ( I usually don't know the real terms- the folks at Home Depot just love me! LOL)

Here you see the finished project in the laundry room.  I have used it several times.  Really do love it as you can lay stuff on it and hang hangers on it for your good clothes to dry.

When not in use- it lays flat against the wall with the help of magnets.

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